I have 5 acres of backyard that used to be farmland. I planted grass, but I think I used the wrong kind, as it doesn't seem to be spreading. Now ~5 years later, the yard looks decent, but the grass is fairly thin and the weeds (dandelions mostly) are starting to get heavy. So I sprayed Weed B Gon on it, and now want to over-plant grass seed.
I'm not concerned about getting it perfect. If 10% of the seed I put down comes up and starts to spread over the years, I'd consider that a win. Every amount above that certainly welcome, but...
I just sprayed today, and it's supposed to rain in 2 days (and a few days in a row). I was hoping I could toss down the grass seed tomorrow before rain, but I wasn't sure if that's too soon, or if it matters with this particular chemical.
Can I over-plant grass seed a day after spraying Ortho Weed B Gon? If not, how long do I need to wait (and why)?