I have a cherry fruit tree that I left alone for 5 years. It's growing "weird" now that I need to seriously pay attention and prune.
The first photo shows that the top two branches reaching up to like 10 feet high. They are both similar height and very thin on top.
The second photo shows some problematic spots.
My questions:
Should I prune this branch 1 entirely? It's a bit smaller than the main branch?
The bottom 2 has several branches pointing at different angles. What are the rules to prune here? Should I prune the ones that are pointing up sharply and leave the horizontal ones alone?
For all long branches like 3, should I cut off the tips / terminals a bit so they are shorter? Right now they are like 3-4 feet long and thin like pencil size.
Summary actions based on suggestions below:
Prune smaller competing leader to the collar
Prune sucker
Prune dead branch