Can you add any more information like, is it deciduous? does if flower?– Debbie M.Commented Apr 23, 2016 at 16:15
Yes, it is deciduous. I don't remember if it flowers. These are photos from last year and right now it is too early for new leaves/flowers.– Michael TCommented Apr 23, 2016 at 18:46
2 Answers
I think it's probably Acer negundo, common name Box Elder - that variety of maple has variably shaped leaf arrangements, as well as variation in individual leaves. I can't see how the leaves are arranged in the picture, but the shape of some of them would indicate one of the Acers (not all have the classic fan shaped, five pointed leaf), and the fact the keys or samaras are held in pairs on long stems in clusters rather than in a single, long raceme fits with Acer negundo. Image of leaves, showing a typical arrangement, plus images of flowers, shoots and bark (which we can't see detail of in your picture) below for you to compare
Thanks. Once the leaves grow back I'll take a look at how they're arranged and look for buds/flowers. Commented Apr 24, 2016 at 0:44
@Bamboo Your answer makes more sense to me. As I am more familiar with tree anmes in english, it seems that this one is also called ash-leaved maple Commented Apr 24, 2016 at 7:20
@LaurentDuval - not in the UK its not! Common name here is actually Box Elder... ash leaved maple sounds more like something the States would use as a name - and its not even 'ash leaved' either, ash leaves are composite with 7,9 or more leaflets to a leaf, so that name doesn't make any sense to me at all, apart from the 'maple' bit, you sure its given that name elsewhere? that said, I'm not 100% on this ID, need to see a single branch with leaves on and get a close look at the bark...– BambooCommented Apr 24, 2016 at 11:29
@Bamboo "ash-leaved maple, and maple ash are its most common names in the United States; in Britain and Ireland it is also known as ashleaf maple." from the wiki page. Not my knowledge ;) Commented Apr 24, 2016 at 14:10
1@LaurentDuval - yep, found a reference to Ashleaf Maple on the Hainault Forestry Commission site in the UK - its a less common and little used name, secondary to Box Elder. I find it confusing its called Box Elder, never made sense to me, never mind Ashleaf Maple...and why I loathe common names, you never know what anyone's talking about because it depends where they come from which common name they use.– BambooCommented Apr 24, 2016 at 21:43
A first guess, based on the samaras (known as "keys" or "helicopter seeds") and the lance-shaped leaves, (very) slightly toothed on edges: an ash tree?