I have a variety of problems with my summer squash and zucchini plants:
- The summer squash (and to a smaller degree the zucchini) has clear spots in the leaves:
- This morning one of the zucchini plants was dead and looked as follows with a white maggot inside:
My questions:
Are these problems related?
What is happening to my plants?
What can I do?
EDIT: I live just outside Washington, DC on the MD side. I have a sprinkler like automatic irrigation system. The ugliest leaves are the ones that receive the highest amount of sprinkler water that goes on for 3 minutes at 9am and 9pm. Could this be the culprit? Am I over watering? Am I watering the leaves when I shouldn't? Do I have the wrong watering schedule, that is making the plant prone to this disease?
There is nothing alive in the dirt. The summer squash lives in a raised bed. There are one eggplant, one tomato, one green pepper and one basil in the same raised bed. All other plants are thriving.
The zucchini lives in a rectangular container. It is pretty big and there are other zucchinis in there. The zucchini plant, has a orange pulpish where the damage occurred (not sure it is visible in the second picture).