I have an almond tree on a house I purchased. The tree looks very old and the large bulk of it didn't have much green - looked very dead. It was growing sideways and near the base of the tree some new branches had grown and 99% of the leaves the tree has were on those so I figured it would be best to cut the tree back to the base.
I just cut it back to base and noticed some damage inside the tree - my neighbor said it looked like carpenter ant damage, which I've seen before and it did appear like that... I noticed no live insects inside the tree anymore.
My question now is if there are any steps I should take in filling the large hole at the base where the hole is. Also, if there are any other follow-up steps I should do to help preserve the health of the tree. If it matters, the tree is an Almond tree, though I've only ever got a single almond from it in 3 years.
I want to post a follow-up photo of a shot where you can see more of the tree in case this changes anything. I'm thinking from the feedback that cutting it back a little further would be good. Part of it does appear to be healthy, but if this will ultimately be of no use due to the infestation/damage then digging the tree out is an option. (The part I cut is in the bottom right)