My kids are fruititarians. There also happens to be a lot of produce-bearing trees and plants around our neighborhood, and when we confirm it is okay with the owners, my children like to help themselves (Loquat season just ended here).
We were on a walk this weekend and saw what looks like a number of "wild" (in the sense that they aren't in a yard and don't look cultivated) blackberry bushes. We walk in this area semi-regularly and so I'd love to let the kids chow down, bit I know there are many varieties of berries that look alike, and not all are safe. Again, from their location (a recently built walking path through what was previously a small section of woods right next to a development) it is unlikely these were planted by someone for food.
Can anyone identify these bushes with certainty and let me know if they are safe to eat? If it helps, I'm in USDA zone 8B/9A (aka north central Florida).