I'm trying to reclaim an area which has been left wild for a few decades from the looks of it. Maybe 100 square meters, flat andtotallycovered in ivy (regular English kind). In places, the ivy is up to a foot thick of layers and layers of roots all crisscrossing. I think maybe each year leaves fall and a new layer of ivy grows on top. It's like walking on a sponge.
How can I best clear this? I tried quite a large fire but it seems very resistant. I guess the same to weed killer.
I think the nature of well separated layers means each fire can only get one later each time, it's naturally self insulated?
If I could kill the ivy so it would start rotting I could wait a year to use the land... Maybe I could use a rotorvator or similar to chop it all up after killing it with powerful weedkiller then just leave? Though I still have a pile of ivy pulled off a wall 2 years ago that shows little sign of decomposing