I have bought a kentia palm about a year ago and I live in a warm and relatively humid climate. Some of the leaf tips have gone brown here and there in the past year, but I have noticed that the outer leaves have started to go brown completely in the last weeks and the browning started to spread.
- The plant stays near a west window however it only gets minutes of
direct daily sunlight. - I have been watering the plant with commercial distilled water and distilled water from the washer-driver machine ( I make the water wait a couple of days to make sure it is odorless), and recently with tap and spring water.
- I only water the plant when the top 10 percent of the pot is dry (usually every week) and collect the excess water afterwards to avoid root rot.
- There are no signs of insects on the plant.
During the last year I have not fertilized the plant so I suspect it could be the cause of browning but I am not sure.
Any suggestions or feedback is extremely appreciated.