I received Giant and Red sequoia seeds a few weeks ago (never used those before) and the producer indicates on package to leave those soak 24 hours in water, drain and leave seeds 20 days in the fridge. is this process correct ? (as I read in prior post "I've germinated seeds for 6 WEEKS" (not 20 days in a fridge).... is using a fridge useful , then ? Or was such longer germination about seeds already in soil ?
also, what kind of container size and height should be used, small ones, each seed in an individual hole ? ( like as using an egg plastic package as "holes")
would it be useful to disperse all seeds f.i. in a flat 40 x 40 x 4 cm container, and once the plants are coming out, and each produce a set of leaves, transplant those fragile stuff each in a black plastic bag, and if so, in a relatively high one ( 20 cm height ?) as the other local pines sprouts I used here are extremely fragile and don't like frequent container change. thanks for any answer.