I just got six gallons of red onion bulbs for planting, since the store was getting rid of them at 50¢/gallon.
I intend to plant them late fall and let them go over winter, since that worked so well for me last year.
How can I store the bulbs for four months until late fall?
Further, six gallons is a lot of bulbs of one variety (I was wanting two gallons of white, two of yellow, and two of red, but accidentally got six of red only).
So, I'd like to plant half this fall (4 months away), and half next fall (16 months). How can I store the bulbs for 16 months?
I have half gallon mason jars, and a vacuum jar sealer - would that be sufficient? I can place the jar down in a storm shelter, or in a dark pantry cabinet, or place them in a freezer.