Your problem is still the same and Bamboo's answer on the other question still holds. Aloes can thrive on very little water. They also hold the water in their leaves, so excess water combined with poor drainage, especially when you water on to the surface can cause logging. This, then causes molding from fungi.
Touch the soil surface with your finger and see how wet it feels. If it is wet, then you need to let it dry. To heal, give this aloe more sun. Move it closer to the sun, or, since summer is over unless you are down under, you can move it out for a few days.
You could remove the black spots very gently using a knife and tweezers, etc. There is no need to discard entire leaves or disturb the plant other wise. In a few days it should be okay. Water sparingly through the cold season.
On an unrelated note, looking at the pot, the plant could use the luxury of a bigger pot. If you choose to do that, make sure the soil is well draining and mulch if possible.