Well it's an unripe pine cone, much more mundane than the exciting suggestion of 'a pineapple grown near a nuclear power plant', sadly - though not necessarily from the Pinus family. The trouble is, to be absolutely sure what tree it is, you'd need to examine the foliage closely and to look at the overall growth habit. This cone is obviously very fresh, it hasn't even quite finished forming properly, and the colour does change as it matures; there's also no point of reference to determine its overall size. Even without those definite pointers though, because of its barrel shape and patterning, I'm fairly sure it's a Cedrus (Cedar), possibly Cedrus atlantica 'glauca'. Because its not fully mature, the seeds inside likely won't be either - best go back and get another one when they fall naturally, or have lost any hint of green. They take up to two years from growth initiation to full maturity.
UPDATE: I just read that air drying under cover might allow the seeds to ripen - when its ready, the cone should disintegrate, or start to disintegrate, allowing access to the seeds.