Sorry for asking probably a question that has been asked before, but I really don't know what could I do to improve by bonsai's health. I bought it 1 year ago, and all this time it kept losing leaves. I also added images because I think it best describes the problem I am having.
Today I moved it outside, thinking that maybe it doesn't have enough light. I am living in Romania, it's quite warm already outside. I think that I also didn't water it correctly. First kept watering it once every week, until the water kept coming out the drainage hole, but I realized that the soil was moist. Now I tried not watering it after a schedule, but after 2 weeks without any water, the soil seemed still a bit moist (I have to add that I never drowned it in too much water, but I have probably added more than the tree needed). The leaves that are dropping are not dry, some of them are even new growth. I have the following questions:
- What could I do to help the tree recover?
- What kind of ficus is it?
- Should I leave it on the balcony or bring it back inside?
- Does changing the location of the tree inside the house, harm it?
This is how it looked when I bought it:
Here is how it looked after maybe 3 months:
I appreciate all your help. Thanks