I live in a place where it'sMinnesota (U.S.). It starts to get cold half of the year, sometimes longerfrom September (sometimes snows as early as October) until about mid-April (I’ve seen it snow as late as May some years), but I want to do year-round gardening. The daylight hours drop below 10 between December and February. I currently live in the city and don’t have as much space. I will be trying to move to acres when it gets warm, so any tips focused towards portable winter gardening stuff would be great, but isn’t necessary since gardening in the city is my test run. My main question is what are plants that can be eaten and will still grow in cold weather. I'm very interested in:
- plants that don't need a lot of help to grow indoors.
- plants that will grow on their own outdoors (even potentially through/under snow).
I'm also very interested in plants that have medicinal properties that persist in cold regions as well.