This is good to notice so quickly. High salts will eventually kill a plant, some plants are intolerant of any salt will die very quickly.
I would recommend repotting your plants in fresh bagged potting soil. If you've recently changed out the soil you should take your indoor plants and put them in the shower. Put a screen over your drain just in case errant debris and soil gets loose. Use cold water only and allow your plants a good 5 minutes of 'rain'...even though it is tap water. Then allow your plants to sit, drain for half an hour and turn on the shower again for another 5 minutes. This leaches salts that have built up in the soil, cleans dust off leaves. Misting does nothing for plants, this shower does wonders. I do this every few months. I also put all my indoor plants out on a covered, shaded porch for the summer months. OnceThey get better light even in the shade than they get in the house. This allows them to make more food to last them the winter. Rejuvenates indoor plants. Once or twice I turn the hose on the entire plant and pot and soil on the porch during the summer.
Indoor plants in pots have only the little bit of soil given them in the pot. Garden soil or composts have who-knows-what in the shovel full you would put in your pot. The larger garden soil environment has its own 'controls' for fungal spores, insect eggs, virus, bacteria but one shovel full could be just insect eggs or one fungal spore...that will have no controls in the amount of soil inplucked from the potgarden.
Please tell us what you've used for soil, fertilizer, type of water (you could also use distilled water...bottled water comes with fluoride a very bad chemical waste product...heck even can goods, soft drinks, gatoraide, breakfast cereals have fluoride). Definitely look this up for your own health...fluoride is bad for plants and bad for all living things and bad for teeth, never meant for health! Fluoride is not just fluoride but a number of nasty chemicals some not even named, to include lead and arsenic. And Fluoride (Hydrofluorosilicic Acid) staysgets stored in your bones hard to 'leach' it out of animal bodies. PlantsPlants take it up, store it in their fruits, leaves and roots and if we eat those plants we get even more fluoride to store in our bonesbodies.
This burnt leaf tip could also be indicative of chemistry (fertilizer) imbalance or deficiency. A deficiency of Potassium or Zinc. Or an excess of Potassium will cause a zinc or iron deficiency.