As promised here's how it looks like after ~20 months of operation.
All dimensions in mm.
Surprisingly for a non-drained container, water hasn't been a problem. My rationalization is that the larger plants have developed far-reaching roots which can supply the plant even if water is pooled in a specific corner or bottom. And the tiny plants I water regularly because I fear they lack such roots yet.
Composting and Pests
The garden being 1. indoors(virtually a heated greenhouse) and 2. tiny (compared to a vegetable field) pests shouldn't be a problem.
Yeah, right. Anaerobic compost takes 2 years minimum. I applied it after 1 year. To this day I am spraying poison in hopes of getting rid of all the types of flies and ... things.
Another point is that this is how it looks after 20 months of no nutrients added to the soil. When the soil was strong it was a jungle!
The vital part. Based on my experience constructing this thing I would recommend:
- Apply plastic liner tape to all corners.
- If any of the surfaces have irregularities larger than ⌀1mm (as in: if this was your new living room you wouldn't directly paint over it but you would plaster it first) purchase "water resistant cement mixture" and make it as even as possible.
- Purchase "water insulation in a bucket" or "or water insulation for application with a brush". It's a gray goo. You need LOTS of it, I used about 100 liters. Apply 3-4 thick layers to all surfaces in future contact with the soil.
- Now the layer between the water insulation and the soil. I have used a plastic sheet which is the worst idea I can think of. An improvement would be "swimming pool liner" - a tick plastic sheet. And - obviously - the best would be floor tiles. Do keep in mind those do not void the requirement for solid water insulation layer beneath.
If you are extremely lazy and incompetent: whole summer. Else: no idea.
Are absolutely zero problem on this scale. I even grow them on purpose to increase biological diversity. Also the cat likes eating them.
Structural Integrity
The dashed walls on the drawing are load-bearing(despite the internal window to the right; however the to-the-outside window on the left is not load-bearing thus the garden doesn't reach it).
Current soil depth(it was much more shallow when the jungle of tomatoes took over): 17cm.
Maximum soil depth(limited by the cutaway; I am scared to add more weight than that): 30cm.
Bill of Materials
- Ytong aerated cement blocks, 300x600mm.
- A bag of cement and two of sand.
- Water resistant paint (the brown thing). This thing is everything-resistant so be very careful not to make the house or Your skin dirty. Also it was 15 years past expiration date - but worked like a charm!
- A leftover wooden tile(the blue thing) from the floor in another room.
- All the water insulation mentioned above.