Questions tagged [seeds]

Small embryonic plant usually with stored food for germination

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How do you grow beans from fresh beans bought from the supermarket?

All the tutorials that I could find on growing beans have said to find non-irradiated dry beans from a bag: I even found one article saying that beans can only sprout when they had been dried. ...
JoJo's user avatar
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What kind of beans are these?

My wife regularly orders seeds online. When these beans showed up they were labeled "star fruit," which is clearly wrong. She planted the beans in a raised bed and they did very well. The bean pods ...
Cary Jensen's user avatar
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Are seeds inside dried peppers still viable?

I'm trying to grow the Carolina Reaper chili pepper. Searching for "carolina reaper seeds" on Amazon shows quite a few scams. Some reviewers say after waiting months for the pepper to grow, they ...
JoJo's user avatar
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Looking to identify this seed

We are located in southern Ontario. I found these seeds in a row (flat sides against each other) in my garden. There is a lot together, so I'm guessing a large pod (its spring so maybe it has degraded ...
Suzanne's user avatar
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Planted chili seeds in regular garden compost: should I dig them up and start again?

I ordered a variety of types of chilli seed (habanero, jalapeno, anaheim) because I can't buy these types of chilli here. I've never grown anything from seed before, so I think I approached this a bit ...
Ro_'s user avatar
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Browning / Curling leaf on a Brook cherry sapling

I have a Brook Cherry sapling planted from seed that has some browning/curling around one of its bottom-most leaves (leaf #1) and slight curling of its other bottom most leaf (leaf #2). The seed came ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Can you substitute Turface for Vermiculite?

I had a recipe for some seedling potting soil that called for vermiculite. I didn't have vermiculite. I did have Turface, so I used it instead of the vermiculite. I figure since Turface & ...
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Does chemical fertiliser have an effect on growing newly germinated seeds in darkness using the "Petri Dish" method?

The situation is as follows. I am using the "petri dish" method of germinating chilli (pepper) seeds. It is just a takeout container + paper towel + water. The seed is sitting on the paper, not ...
Valamas's user avatar
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Does sphagnum peat need to be sterilized for starting seeds?

I have been making my own seedling potting mix, but I have a few questions before I use it. (I posted a previous question about the amount of drainage needed) This question is about Sphagnum Peat. ...
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Re-seeding lawn over a newly planted winter grass in warm climate

We recently had our septic system replaced about a month ago (in December). I live in Florida, and according to the local code, I had to get grass growing over the drain field by March ("mound ...
Ogre Psalm33's user avatar
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Seedling growing into adjacent seed

I planted 5 seeds for a Norway spruce (Picea Abies) on January 12, 2020, and so far I have three seedlings that are growing at a similar rate (though one is a bit bigger). I noticed something very ...
Matt Croak's user avatar
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How to germinate seeds using the plastic bag method

I've been trying to germinate seeds (lavender and tomato seeds from store bought seed packets) using different ways of the paper towel in a plastic bag method that I've been reading from the internet ...
user71128's user avatar
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How do I stop my carrots from sticking up too high being nibbled from the top?

I have some purple carrots and there growing excellently. But after a couple of months, they started to stick up 2-3 cm above the ground with one eaten, so I pulled them out before anymore were eaten. ...
Banana.html's user avatar
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Was wondering if seeds are still good with mold growing on them or need to be thrown out

I recently saved some seeds from the pumpkins I had for decorating this fall. I thought I had them completely dried out and put them in storage bags, but after a couple of weeks some of the seeds have ...
user27614's user avatar
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Does seeds from two tomatos from the same plant share the exact same genetics?

I have a tomato plant with a huge deformed tomato, and other normal ones. If I save seeds from the deformed tomato, could it result in plants with more chances of giving deformed tomatos than if I ...
txaos's user avatar
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Does the Plant Breeders Rights in CA & US Plant Patent Act inhibit me from using a protected plant for purposes of creating a new hybrid?

This is merely hypothetical; 'Plant A' is a non-protected hybrid plant. 'Plant B' is a protected Hybrid. Can I use the pollen to 'Plant B' to pollinate 'Plant A' to create a new hybrid, 'Plant X', ...
GardenGems's user avatar
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Avocado plant leaves drooping ** still in water**

The leaves on my avocado plant are drooping, the difference is, mine is still in the water cup I used to pop the seed. I was waiting to see wilting or burn on the leaves to indicate the time for ...
Gus's user avatar
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Need help identifying seeds

I ordered seeds from a "garder" on aliexpress. I was looking to order Soursop seeds, however the seeds I received were not what I was hoping for. Could somebody help me with figuring out what kind of ...
Kai Gee's user avatar
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Mold with hydroponic cultivation

I recently started a new hydroponic culture with an AeroGrow Aerogarden Harvest Slim. I put it in my house that doesn't have a good air circulation but bad neither; it's a standard room of ~40 square ...
Giacomo Torricelli's user avatar
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How to control mildew/mold growing on soil-less growing medium for (aloe) seed germination?

Help, I wanted to check in on the aloes I planted earlier this week. Making sure there are no problem. What I find is mildew has started to grow in this new moist environment. my instinct is to ...
GardenGems's user avatar
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Lucifera Crocosmia -I want to collect the seeds -the pods are still green how long do I wait?

I have two Lucifera Crocosmia plants that lost their flowers. I want to collect the seeds, but the pods are still green. How long do I wait? They look like in the picture below, a couple of pods and ...
MiniMe's user avatar
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Should I cover my germinated lettuce seeds?

I tried germinating lettuce outdoors and had a poor germination rate. Then I read somewhere that they may need light to germinate (I had buried them). I grabbed a container with sifted compost I had ...
csamx's user avatar
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Can you transplant a bolted plant and still get viable seeds?

I have a few plants in my raised beds (mostly broccoli and beets) that are bolting and producing seeds, but not ready to collect them yet. I need the space for some new seedlings, and I don't know ...
csamx's user avatar
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How deep and at what time of the day should I measure soil temperature?

I've never tried direct sowing. This year I want to try planting cucumber, watermelon, pumpkin, squash, zucchini and a few other directly outdoors. Mostly because I already have >150 little pots with ...
csamx's user avatar
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Why is the seed coat opening now?

After eating a Honeycrisp apple, I thought I would dry the seeds out and attempt the germination process, just for fun. One apple produced eight seeds, so I sat them on a paper towel to dry them ...
Tim S.'s user avatar
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Help identify this seedling (baobab?)

Can anyone identify this seedling? I bought (what I thought were) baobab seeds online. When they arrived they looked nothing like I expected, small and brown and glossy, resembling apple seeds (see ...
RichardH's user avatar
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How to recognize when sunflower seed are ripe for harvesting?

I want to save my sunflower seed, and not for food, but for reseeding in other areas. Last year, I was too late: Birds ate everything, almost to the last piece of seed. This year I want to be faster. ...
Aleksandar M's user avatar
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What kind of seeds/pods are these?

I purchased these on the WISH app. They were under $1 and advertised as Monstera Seeds. I knew 100% that these were NOT monstera seeds, but had to snag them to try to figure out what they are. At ...
Bailey West's user avatar
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Are hollow jujube seeds viable?

I’ve been reading conflicting articles on how to germinate jujube seeds. Some say to crack open the husk to extract the seed. Some say to plant the entire husk in the ground. I'll try both methods. ...
JoJo's user avatar
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Do plants germinated in heated bed need special care after emergence?

I am planning to start some seed indoors for next spring season. Since the weather is still a bit cold, I am going to be using a heated bed (actually it's a styrofoam box with some sensors and a heat ...
csamx's user avatar
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Seed identification

Wondered if you could help me identify those seeds I received: (the delivery number has no matches within my eBay orders) I tried uploading this picture and image search via Google but nothing there.
NewbieAeg's user avatar
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What seed is this? Oak?

I had this seed for a long time in my kitchen in a dry container. I decided to see if I could just plant it in a pot. When I was inspecting it I sensed that the outer shell was now easily breakable. ...
perennial_noob's user avatar
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How can i make watermelon seeds?

how companies make good quality watermelon seeds? can I do it by myself? why we can't plant seeds from normal watermelon in the grocery store
aymen opa's user avatar
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Optimally Starting Seeds

Live in Southern Ontario: Planting beet, carrot, green bean, and pea seeds directly into raised garden beds. I've seen in a few places a recommendation to soak the seeds for 12-24 hours in water ...
Mathstatsstudent's user avatar
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Are my pepper plants growing at a decent rate?

Planted bell peppers a month ago in seed starting cells, and they have grown slower (germinated slower too) than the tomatoes and zucchini I planted at the same time. The leaves are turning a ...
Mathstatsstudent's user avatar
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Plant seed from tree in pot?

I was riding bike today and I saw this beautiful tree with red flowers. So I took a seed pod home because I’d like to plant something like this in my garden. Can the seeds be planted in a pot? The ...
rbhat's user avatar
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How to seed grasses correctly if the area has moss and lack of sun

I just bought a bag of seeds from Costco: Pennington Smart Blend My lawn has many dead grass spots due to some plants being ...
HP.'s user avatar
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Wet pre-sprouted seed potatoes, is there an hurry to plant them?

I inadvertently left pre-sprouted seed potatoes on my balcony and they suffered a severe shower today. I didn't plan to plant them before 4 days at the very least. Is there an hurry to plant them ...
Skippy le Grand Gourou's user avatar
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Found a seed in my garden and planted it

So, I live in France, and about a month ago I found a sprouting helicopter seed of some sort in my garden, so I planted it in a pot and now it's grown and I can't identify it. Could someone tell me ...
Layla Champ's user avatar
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What are these seeds from China, that are supposed to grow tea?

I bought these seeds online thinking they were supposed to grow tea. The site I used said they came from a farm in China. They look random and strange to me. They remind me of a cereal I used to eat, ...
Bethany Aaron's user avatar
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Unknown tree/shrub with star shaped seedpods, white flowers

No one can seem to work out what kind of tree/shrub this is. The seedpods are a distinctive star shape, it has smooth green leaves and it has small white flowers in spring/summer. Growing in the UK. ...
Sarah Jane's user avatar
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Are cherries from the market irradiated?

I bought some sweet cherries in season last summer and decided to see if I could germinate some for planting. I "de-nutted" maybe 20+ of them and placed them in damp paper towels in the refrigerator ...
user22542's user avatar
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Why growing fruit trees from seed won't yield the same fruit of the same tree?

Why is it necessary to graft a tree to get the desired species and not rely on the tree's seeds?
ZSmain's user avatar
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What is this seed pod?

My friend found this is her yard after the rains, she’s seen it before and once it dries there are little “cups” of seeds. Any idea what it is? We are in southern California.
Amy R.'s user avatar
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Almond twin seedling

I accidentally dug out an almond seedling to realize that all the 3 shoots come from the same seed. Is this a common occurrence? What is the branch in the middle with a brownish tip that I broke ...
ammoun's user avatar
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What is the shelf life of vegetable seeds?

I bought a packet of vegetable seeds from Costco a few years back. I still have seeds left in individual packages. Is there a life to these seeds after which it is not recommended for use? What is ...
JStorage's user avatar
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The English name of yellow seeds fed to pet birds like budgies?

I asked at a bird seed shop in India, but the person called the seeds "kangni", which is Foxtail millet, and the seeds are different from what is also listed as "kangni" on other websites. I'm ...
Nav's user avatar
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What plant is this seed of?

I live in NY Long island and of course it's fall season
Gabs's user avatar
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Do tomatoes produce seeds that are true to the parent plant's characteristics?

I had an unusual tomato plant this year with off leaf formations. It seemed to fruit reasonably well despite this. If I collect and grow on seeds from this plant can I expect to see similar ...
TafT's user avatar
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Can I take the seeds of the plant Strychnos nux vomica out of its packet with bare hands and sow them in my farm with bare hands?

Can I take the seeds of the plant Strychnos nux vomica out of its packet with bare hands and sow them in my farm with bare hands? Or they(i. e., the seeds) would cause me a poisonous effect due to ...
S. Sethi's user avatar

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